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Cell Counting

Automated image-based direct cell counting solutions

Accurate cell counting is a critical step across a spectrum of cell biology applications. Direct cell counting uses methods that identify and enumerate individual cells, as opposed to indirect methods that estimate population sizes using biochemical methods. Automating the process of direct cell counting improves accuracy and consistency while simultaneously reducing experimental burden. Accurate cell numbers are essential for establishing and optimizing cell-based assays, normalizing data across samples, and conducting cell proliferation assays.

The Agilent BioTek Lionheart automated microscope and Agilent BioTek Cytation cell imaging multi-mode readers are flexible systems that can use both label-free and fluorescence imaging methods for cell count determination. Combined with powerful Agilent BioTek Gen5 software image analysis tools, these systems deliver easy-to-use, robust automated cell counting solutions.

High Contrast Cell Counting – Label-Free Direct Cell Counting

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Label-free direct cell counting is an effective method to achieve the accuracy and sensitivity of direct cell counting without the limitations associated with fluorescent labels.

Agilent BioTek’s high contrast (HC) cell counting technique uses modified brightfield illumination to generate a distinct bright signal corresponding to each cell.  These HC cell signals are readily identified and counted using Gen5 image analysis tools.  HC cell counts are comparable to counts derived using fluorescent nuclear labels across a range of cell densities.

Kinetic Cell Proliferation using direct, label-free Cell Counting

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Accurate evaluation of cells populations is essential for proliferation assays. Label-free cell counting methods can streamline workflows and minimize cellular manipulation. Label-free methods also increase multiplexing capacity by liberating channels for fluorescence analysis.

Agilent BioTek imaging systems combine label-free cell counting and integrated environmental controls ideal for live-cell proliferation assays. Built-in analysis enables multiple methods to determine total populations through direct cell counting and area confluence.

Fluorescent Cell Counting

Fluorescent labelling is a widely used strategy to directly count cell numbers during image-based cell investigations. Fluorescent nuclear labels enable direct cell counts of cell types that tend to cluster or present challenging morphologies in label-free images.

Agilent BioTek imaging systems support cell quantification across a spectrum of fluorescence cellular and nuclear markers. Gen5 software image analysis tools automatically identify, mask and count cells for easy and robust assessment of proliferation.

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Advanced Cell Counting Tools - Subpopulation Analysis

Enhance your analysis with advanced cell counting subpopulation tools. Gen5 software provides a comprehensive and customizable feature list to capture the relevant details of cellular phenotypes. Use characteristics such as fluorescence intensity or cell size to determine statistically-derived thresholds for subpopulation analysis.

Achieve automated and statistically-driven determinations of the number of cells within the population responding to treatment.

Automated Cell Counts
cell counting

Data Normalization using Automated Cell Counts

Cell counting provides a straightforward method for normalizing results across sample conditions.

Using Agilent BioTek fluorescence imaging and cellular analysis tools, sample counts of nuclear stained cells are used to normalize Agilent Seahorse XF metabolic data across cell densities. 

Data normalization to cell counts is essential for accurate and reliable determination of cellular readouts.

Automated Cell Counts

BioTek Agilent Channel Partner



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