NovoCyte Opteon Spectral Flow Cytometer I FACS
NovoCyte Spectral Flow Cytometer Opteon FACS는 세포 분석 연구에 변화를 일으키도록 설계된 첨단 스펙트럼 유세포 분석 솔루션입니다.
NovoCyte Opteon은 최대 5개의 레이저와 73개의 검출기, 독점적인 광학 디자인 및 고성능 전자 장치를 갖추고 있어 고분해능 및 감도 데이터를 제공합니다. 형광 검출과 입자 크기 측정을 위한 넓은 측정 범위는 실험 워크플로를 간소화하는 데 도움을 줍니다. 온보드 온도 제어, 전자 장치 및 유체 센서 회로가 실시간 기기 상태를 모니터링하고 다양한 주변 환경에서 일관되고 안정적인 데이터 수집을 보장합니다.
Application Note
• 최대 5개의 레이저, 73개의 고품질 검출기
• 45가지 색상의 데모 패널
• 혁신적인 광학 디자인으로 고감도 및 고분해능 데이터 제공
• 넓은 측정 범위를 갖춘 듀얼 레이저로 작은 입자 감지
• 온보드 온도 제어 및 유체공학 회로를 통한 기기의 높은 신뢰성
• 강력하고 직관적인 NovoExpress 소프트웨어
• 40-튜브 랙 및 384/96/48/24웰 플레이트와 호환되는 다용도 자동 시료 주입기
• 로봇 자동화 가능
레이저 구성 |
레이저 수 |
General Specifications | |
Optics | |
Laser | Solid state laser with onboard thermal-electric cooling with guaranteed thermal stability |
Beam Shaping Optics | Space coupled with minimal loss of laser power. Minimized stray laser-line noise and minimized loss to reflection. |
Laser Beam Configuration | Spacially separated; fixed laser delay and no need for adjustment |
Laser Operation | Only ON when acquiring samples. Significant extension of laser lifetime. |
Photodetector | Avalanche photodiode (APD) |
Optical Alignment Procedure | Fixed. No operator alignment required. |
Optical Filters | High-quality bandpass filters with optimized bandwidth for each detector |
Forward Scatter (FSC) Detection Laser | Off 488 nm |
Side Scatter (SSC) Detection Laser | BSSC (488 nm Blue); VSSC (405 nm Violet) |
Fluorescence Detection | Individual photodector for each channel. Solid state photodetector with high- gain and photon detection efficiency. |
FSC/SSC Sensitivity | FSC: 0.4 µm; VSSC: 0.08 µm; BSSC: 0.2 µm |
Fluoresence Threshold Sensitivity | – Fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC) ≤ 50 molecules of equivalent soluble fluorophores (MESF) (B543 channel) – Phycoerythrin (PE) ≤ 10 MESF (Y582 channel) – Allophycocyanin (APC) ≤ 10 MESF (R661 channel) – Pacific Blue ≤ 30 MESF (V455 channel) |
Fluorescence Resolution | < 3% CV for CEN |
SSC and Fluorescence Light Collection and Detection | Proprietary design of high numerical aperture objective lens with free-space optical filters maximizing light collection efficiency |
Fluidics | |
Flow Cell | 170 x 490 μm rectangular quartz flow cell |
Sample Acquisition Rate | 100,000 events/second |
Sample Delivery | Positive-displacement syringe pump enabling direct volumetric absolute count without reference counting beads |
Volumetric Absolute Count Precision | ≤ 5% |
Sample Flow Rate | 5 to 120 µL/min in 1 μL increments |
Sample Aquisition Volume | 1 μL to 5 mL |
Sample Recovery Mode | Available |
Compatibility to Autosampler | No fluidic tubing disassembly or reconnection required. |
Fluid Level Sensing | Real-time active sensing with weight sensors. Automated warning when the fluid level is out of range. |
Fluid Container Capacity | Sheath (6 L), waste (6 L), cleaning (500 mL), decontamination with automatic liquid volume sensing (500 mL) Optional large container for sheath (15 L) and waste (15 L) |
Carryover | < 0.1% |
Sample Injection Probe (SIP) Rinse | Automated flying collar wash of inner and outer SIP surface after each sampling |
Fluidics System Monitoring | In-line pressure sensor monitors the pressure in real time. Automated system recovery when pressure is out of range due to clogging. |
Fluidics System Maintenance | – Automated startup and shutdown with fluidic system cleaning – Automated user executable cleaning, debubble, rinse, unclog, priming, and decontamination – Automated execution of user definable maintainence sequence |
Signal Processing | |
Software | NovoExpress (Opteon) software |
Parameters | – Height and area for FSC, SSC, and all fluorescent channels – Width off FSC – Time |
Triggering Channel | Threshold using any single channel or combination of any fluorescence channel with FSC or SSC parameters. |
Dynamic Range | 24 bit; 7.2 decades logarithmic scale |
Fluorescence Photodetector Gain Control | Individually or proportionally adjustable. Optimized default gain for each individual channel. |
Data Management | |
Deconvolution Algorithm | Least square regression. Live unmixing during sample acquisition. |
Compensation | Allow defining virtual filters and apply compensation |
Autofluorescence Subtraction | Available |
Bitmap Output Data Files | – FCS 3.0 – FCS 3.1 – CSV – Batch PDF reports |
Data Report | Automatic, customizable, batch |
Workstation | Intel Core i9, 64G RAM, 256GB SSD, 16T HDD and above |
Monitor | 27 inch flat panel (2,560 x 1,440 resolution) and above |
Computer Operating System | Microsoft Windows 11 Professional (64 bit) and above |
Usage Monitor | Comprehensive transaction log and system log |
User Management | Administrative creation of individual user accounts and user groups. User operation time tracking. |