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NovoCyte Opteon Spectral Flow Cytometer 바이오테크랩

NovoCyte Opteon Spectral Flow Cytometer I FACS

NovoCyte Spectral Flow Cytometer Opteon FACS는 세포 분석 연구에 변화를 일으키도록 설계된 첨단 스펙트럼 유세포 분석 솔루션입니다.

NovoCyte Opteon은 최대 5개의 레이저와 73개의 검출기, 독점적인 광학 디자인 및 고성능 전자 장치를 갖추고 있어 고분해능 및 감도 데이터를 제공합니다. 형광 검출과 입자 크기 측정을 위한 넓은 측정 범위는 실험 워크플로를 간소화하는 데 도움을 줍니다. 온보드 온도 제어, 전자 장치 및 유체 센서 회로가 실시간 기기 상태를 모니터링하고 다양한 주변 환경에서 일관되고 안정적인 데이터 수집을 보장합니다.



• 최대 5개의 레이저, 73개의 고품질 검출기

• 45가지 색상의 데모 패널

• 혁신적인 광학 디자인으로 고감도 및 고분해능 데이터 제공

• 넓은 측정 범위를 갖춘 듀얼 레이저로 작은 입자 감지

• 온보드 온도 제어 및 유체공학 회로를 통한 기기의 높은 신뢰성

• 강력하고 직관적인 NovoExpress 소프트웨어

• 40-튜브 랙 및 384/96/48/24웰 플레이트와 호환되는 다용도 자동 시료 주입기

• 로봇 자동화 가능


Specifications Sheet

레이저 구성
  • UV/보라색/파란색/노란색/빨간색
레이저 수
  • 5
  • 4
  • 3



General Specifications
Laser Solid state laser with onboard thermal-electric cooling with guaranteed thermal stability
Beam Shaping Optics Space coupled with minimal loss of laser power. Minimized stray laser-line noise and minimized loss to reflection.
Laser Beam Configuration Spacially separated; fixed laser delay and no need for adjustment
Laser Operation Only ON when acquiring samples. Significant extension of laser lifetime.
Photodetector Avalanche photodiode (APD)
Optical Alignment Procedure Fixed. No operator alignment required.
Optical Filters High-quality bandpass filters with optimized bandwidth for each detector
Forward Scatter (FSC) Detection Laser Off 488 nm
Side Scatter (SSC) Detection Laser BSSC (488 nm Blue); VSSC (405 nm Violet)
Fluorescence Detection Individual photodector for each channel. Solid state photodetector with high- gain and photon detection efficiency.
FSC/SSC Sensitivity FSC: 0.4 µm; VSSC: 0.08 µm; BSSC: 0.2 µm
Fluoresence Threshold Sensitivity – Fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC) ≤ 50 molecules of equivalent soluble
fluorophores (MESF) (B543 channel)
– Phycoerythrin (PE) ≤ 10 MESF (Y582 channel)
– Allophycocyanin (APC) ≤ 10 MESF (R661 channel)
– Pacific Blue ≤ 30 MESF (V455 channel)
Fluorescence Resolution < 3% CV for CEN
SSC and Fluorescence Light Collection and Detection Proprietary design of high numerical aperture objective lens with free-space optical filters maximizing light collection efficiency


Flow Cell 170 x 490 μm rectangular quartz flow cell
Sample Acquisition Rate 100,000 events/second
Sample Delivery Positive-displacement syringe pump enabling direct volumetric absolute count without reference counting beads
Volumetric Absolute Count Precision ≤ 5%
Sample Flow Rate 5 to 120 µL/min in 1 μL increments
Sample Aquisition Volume 1 μL to 5 mL
Sample Recovery Mode Available
Compatibility to Autosampler No fluidic tubing disassembly or reconnection required.
Fluid Level Sensing Real-time active sensing with weight sensors. Automated warning when the
fluid level is out of range.
Fluid Container Capacity Sheath (6 L), waste (6 L), cleaning (500 mL), decontamination with automatic
liquid volume sensing (500 mL)
Optional large container for sheath (15 L) and waste (15 L)
Carryover < 0.1%
Sample Injection Probe (SIP) Rinse Automated flying collar wash of inner and outer SIP surface after each sampling
Fluidics System Monitoring In-line pressure sensor monitors the pressure in real time. Automated system recovery when pressure is out of range due to clogging.
Fluidics System Maintenance –   Automated startup and shutdown with fluidic system cleaning
–   Automated user executable cleaning, debubble, rinse, unclog, priming,
and decontamination
–   Automated execution of user definable maintainence sequence
Signal Processing
Software NovoExpress (Opteon) software
Parameters –   Height and area for FSC, SSC, and all fluorescent channels
–   Width off FSC
–   Time
Triggering Channel Threshold using any single channel or combination of any fluorescence channel with FSC or SSC parameters.
Dynamic Range 24 bit; 7.2 decades logarithmic scale
Fluorescence Photodetector Gain Control Individually or proportionally adjustable. Optimized default gain for each individual channel.
Data Management
Deconvolution Algorithm Least square regression. Live unmixing during sample acquisition.
Compensation Allow defining virtual filters and apply compensation
Autofluorescence Subtraction Available
Bitmap Output Data Files –   FCS 3.0
–   FCS 3.1
–   CSV
–   Batch PDF reports
Data Report Automatic, customizable, batch
Workstation Intel Core i9, 64G RAM, 256GB SSD, 16T HDD and above
Monitor 27 inch flat panel (2,560 x 1,440 resolution) and above
Computer Operating System Microsoft Windows 11 Professional (64 bit) and above
Usage Monitor Comprehensive transaction log and system log
User Management Administrative creation of individual user accounts and user groups. User operation time tracking.





BioTek Agilent Channel Partner



​서울특별시 용산구 청파로40, 1510

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